Xiaoxing Qiu

M.S. Student
Dept. of Computer Science
Vanderbilt University

Research Interests

  1. Deep Learning
  2. Data Science
  3. Cloud Computing
  4. Web Development
  5. Software Engineering


  1. May 2021 - M.S. Student, Computer Science, Vanderbilt University
  2. July 2013 - BA, Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University

Professional Experience

  1. 2020-present, Teaching Assistant/Grader, Big Data Scaling, Vanderbilt University
  2. 2019, Teaching Assistant/Grader, Discrete Structure, Vanderbilt University
  3. 2019, Teaching Assistant/Grader, Algorithms, Vanderbilt University
  4. 2020, Data Science Internship, Ryder System, Inc.
  5. 2016 - Research Assistant, Mechanical Engineering-Research, University of Nebraska - Lincoln


  1. 2010, 2011, 2012 Nathional Scholorship
  2. 2013 Outstanding Bachelor Student

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